News - Tout savoir sur les 10 commandements du Beaujolais Nouveau - Les Grappes

All you need to know about the 10 commandments of Beaujolais Nouveau

Our ambassador Jules Lamon presents us this week the Beaujolais Nouveau, and especially the 10 commandments to enjoy it (in moderation)!

The Beaujolais, a light and tangy wine

Fashion is running out of steam, and people nowadays like to denigrate this lovely Beaujolais Nouveau Nouveau wine. It is however a light and acidulous wine, made from Gamay, with simple and fruity aromas, easy to drink, much better than many wines that rise from the neck with a great deal of barrel extracts.

Rather than looking like a cold piss, this third Thursday of November, take the opportunity to go to your local wine shop or bar at invite some friends and celebrate this beautiful post-war Pinard-growing festival. Plus, it gives you an excuse to put in a RTT on Friday...

As long as you respect Bacchus' commandments:

  1. Always in good company, one bottle and then a second, then... you'll open...
  2. Not only on the third Thursday of November, but until the holidays you will drink it.
  3. Hipster or Bobo, Beaujo "Nature" New you will choose
  4. Never on an empty stomach, but accompanied by fine meats, you shall drink it...
  5. Vegetarian, you will sip it next to soft pressed cheeses
  6. Refreshed, for its acidulous side, you'll serve it...
  7. Snob, at the first glass you'll make a face, but at the second bottle, like everyone else, you'll ask for more...
  8. Japanese, you'll dive and bathe in it (what a funny idea...)
  9. At the restaurant, less than 18 euros, especially, you'll pay it (all the same!)
  10. To return, your motor vehicle and the market garden you will avoid

Long live France and long live the Beaujo Nouveau!

Jules Lamon, contributor Les Grappes

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