No more need to pretend that you know how to analyse the colour of a wine: all you need is a little imagination, and follow the advice of Jules Lamon. That's how to become the undisputed air tasting champion in two minutes!
This week, you may be meeting some friends at home or in a restaurant. Who brings the wine? And above all... who tastes it?
Here are several times that the waiter hands you the glass so that you can say whether or not the wine deserves to be drunk. But you're tired of pretending to be the expert you're not. Unfortunately, even if the wine was corked, you wouldn't be sure to notice it...
Don't panic, it happens to more people than you think! So here's a video that gives you the keys to analyze the dress of a wine. You'll see that all you need to do is have the right gesture and be a little bit creative.
Behind those moustaches is Jules Lamon, who had fun showing you how it's done. To your drinks to practice!
And enjoy the tasting!
Tiphaine (Les Grappes)