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Domaine Beauvence

Domaine Beauvence was born of a love affair with an exceptional terroir. Vines and olive trees are the order of the day. It is dominated by a 400-year-old holm oak, which flourishes at the heart of the estate. This tree is the symbol of the rich, unspoilt land of the Luberon Regional Park in Provence.

Anecdotes about the domain

Making a good wine (and a good olive oil) is for me essentially done in the fields, whether it is for the vines or the olive trees; and I am not only talking about the organic aspect but about a whole, a general eco system that we create, and try to improve perpetually: permanent grassing, preservation of the trees in the middle of the plot, bird nesting box, installation of beehives within the domain.... more than 1000 small details! It is a permanent reflection and action and for us, it is what gives good grapes and helps us to make good wines.
winemaker domain's map
winemaker domain's short story picture

The domain's short story

The Beauvence estate gathers 30 hectares, 10 of which are vineyards. Where is it? In Beaumont de Pertuis, a small village perched on a rocky promontory which is itself dominated by its 11th century church, not far from Aix en Provence. The 300 days of sunshine per year allow our 10 hectares of vines and our 1400 olive trees to flourish in the best conditions. Here, the grapes and olives soak up the heat during the day and enjoy the coolness at night. The soil, on gently sloping hills, is clay-limestone, perfect conditions for draining water and retaining trace elements. It is no coincidence that the Romans, the Phoceans and even the Greeks from Rhodes had already chosen this region of Pertuis to cultivate vines and olive trees. We do our utmost to preserve the balance of our domain. Chemicals are banished from our daily life and from our cultivation practices. Like our ancestors, we let the micro fauna such as earthworms do their work. We practice a chosen grassing and leave the wood from the pruning of the vines and olive trees in the spring. Even the holm oak and pine forests that surround the plots of land are useful to us because they help us to maintain and develop biodiversity in order to obtain HVE certification in the near future. To taste our wines and olive oils is to feel the warmth of the Mediterranean and the scents of wild rosemary and thyme. Over the years we have built relationships with men and women who work with the same high standards. We have one thing in common: to give priority to quality, taste and authenticity. The production of our domain is limited, the vinification is done at the plot, the bottles are numbered. Buying Domaine Beauvence wine and oil means sharing our philosophy and a piece of our land.

The winemaker's pride

The Beauvence estate was born from a love affair with an exceptional terroir, dominated by a 400-year-old green oak tree. It flourishes in the heart of the Domaine. This tree is the symbol of a rich and still preserved land in the Luberon Regional Park in Provence.
FRANK LOUBARESSE domain's pride picture

Pictures of the domain

 winemaker domain picture  winemaker domain picture  winemaker domain picture  winemaker domain picture  winemaker domain picture


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