Catherine et Guy Cuisset profile picture

Catherine et Guy Cuisset

Château Grinou

Anecdotes about the domain

Proof that life is at the center of our domain, we regularly find vestiges of very ancient civilizations in our lands, carved flints, bifaces, arrowheads, knives, polished axes... These traces affirm an occupation of several millennia since they would be vestiges of the Paleolithic era, more than 20 000 years ago. It is this continuity and this history that led us to opt for an organic culture. Limiting our impact on nature is of paramount importance to us and is our responsibility to leave the purest possible earth for future generations. The well-being of our vines is obviously our primary concern, which is why they have a growth neither too weak nor too strong, only controlled and balanced. In order to further limit our impact on the vines, we have implemented a new pruning process that is gentler and less traumatic for the vines. The ideal recipe for good grapes.
winemaker domain's map
winemaker domain's short story picture

The domain's short story

When Guy Cuisset's grandfather bought the estate at the beginning of the 20th century, it was almost abandoned. However, we know that a monastery was once located there (where the name of the village comes from: Monestier). Long before that, man had felt that it would be nice to live there, if we judge by the many prehistoric remains found in the vines.

The winemaker's pride

Located halfway between the Atlantic Ocean and the Massif Central, Château Grinou offers its vines a terroir where they feel at home. With a moderate climatology and very diversified soils, from clay to limestone and organic matter, everything is gathered to make it a land suitable for viticulture. Add to that the fact that the vineyard has been managed organically for 10 years without using any pesticides, replaced by green manure, and you get a land full of life. It has become a paradise for the roots of the vines to flourish. The Sauvignon expresses itself on the limestone soil in order to sublimate its minerality, the Semillion finds its place on more clayey soils which brings it roundness, and finally the Merlot is on stony soils which come to soften its tannins and thus soften its structure.
Catherine et Guy Cuisset domain's pride picture

Pictures of the domain

 winemaker domain picture  winemaker domain picture  winemaker domain picture  winemaker domain picture  winemaker domain picture


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