Previously in wine distribution, Patrice decided to become a winegrower in 2013 and acquired 15 hectares of vines with the help of his son. He gave the estate the name Cremona, in homage to his grandfather Guiseppe Barbieri, a native of this city, renowned for its Stradivarius. The violin then became his emblem. He affixes it to each of his labels and names some of his vintages by the names of these beautiful instruments.

Anecdotes about the domain

Our wines are produced in a natural way without any addition of chemical products neither in the cultivation of the vine nor in the vinification. We privilege manual work and we treat only with copper and sulfur. We weed mechanically or manually our vines. All the grapes are harvested by hand: sorted in the vineyard, harvested in boxes and brought to the cellar by refrigerated truck. We exploit our lands in reasoned agriculture in the perspective of a passage in bio and biodynamy.
winemaker domain's map
winemaker domain's short story picture

The domain's short story

The estate was created by Patrice, the father, and Thomas Barbieri, the son, in June 2013 with the purchase of vines from several winemakers in Rasteau and Cairanne at the foot of Mont Ventoux. The family estate has very nice parcels on the slopes of Rasteau where there are 10 hectares of vines with a north-west exposure and 7 hectares on Cairanne. The appreciable part of old vines allows them to elaborate authentic wines with character.

The winemaker's pride

We have a deep respect for our land and our vines.for example,the grenaches of our Rasteau cru are from 1953,we take great care of them.I must say that it is almost like love that we feel for them.they are not clones and it shows because each vine is different.when you look at the arms,they are very crooked,as if they had suffered to grow.we have no mortality in these vines,we are very lucky to have them.We don't use any chemicals in our vineyards, for the moment we don't use any fertilizers or amendments.we will start this year with an agronomist to analyze our terroirs and to follow us in all the steps to go towards biodynamics.half of our vineyard is exposed North West and in hillsides which brings us a freshness that we have less with southern exposures.we have in 2015 remembers our vineyard by selling the distant vines and in plain to acquire vines in hillsides.
Patrice et Thomas Barbieri domain's pride picture

Pictures of the domain

The Domaine de Crémone team winemaker domain picture Domaine de Crémone bottles winemaker domain picture the Domaine de Crémone stand winemaker domain picture Harvesting at the Cremona estate winemaker domain picture in the vineyards of the domaine de crémone winemaker domain picture young grapes from the crémone estate winemaker domain picture vineyard maintenance at the Crémone estate winemaker domain picture Patrice Barbieri and his son Thomas from Domaine de Crémone winemaker domain picture View of the Cremona estate winemaker domain picture View through the vineyards of Domaine de Crémone winemaker domain picture The Domaine de Crémone vineyard winemaker domain picture Quad bikes: the workhorses of the Domaine de Crémone winemaker domain picture Domaine de Crémone's fine harvests winemaker domain picture White grape harvest at Domaine de Crémone winemaker domain picture Patrice in the vineyards of Domaine de Crémone winemaker domain picture The Domaine de Crémone cellar winemaker domain picture The Domaine de Crémone cellar winemaker domain picture


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