Nos conseils aux professionnels - La tendance des vins naturels dans les restaurants - Les Grappes

4 things to know about the natural wine trend in restaurants

Updated on December 7, 2022

In recent years, natural wines have conquered restaurants. But what qualifies a wine as "natural"? Why would having some on your menu appeal to your customers? We share with you 4 things to know about the natural wine trend in restaurants!

What is natural wine?

Natural wine, or natural wine, is a wine that goes beyond the practices of theorganic wineIt follows much stricter rules. Indeed, it is a wine without added sugar, without inputs, and without other yeasts than those contained by the grapes. The cultivation is done without pesticides, weed killers, fertilizers or other chemical products. Harvesting is done by hand.

The winemaker strives to keep the original characteristics of the wine, and its living character by banning any technical intervention affecting the bacterial life of the wine. The addition of chemical products is also forbidden.

Natural wine can nevertheless contain sulfites but in a much more limited proportion than organic or traditionally produced wines; between 150 and 300 mg/L for conventional wines, between 100 and 270 mg/L for organic wines, and between 30 and 40 mg/L for natural wines, where they are added only at the very end, to stabilize the wine.

They are therefore authentic, naked wines that reflect the richness of the terroirs from which they are made without artifice.

If you want to know more, we have written a article on the trend of natural wines !

A militant bias

The choice of natural wine, on the part of producers as well as restaurateurs, can appear as a militant bias. Many chefs have joined the trend, as Matthieu Vellut explains on the site "No wine bar or restaurant that opens does not put natural wines on the menu".

Natural wines show the commitment of restaurateurs to an agriculture that respects nature and the living, proposed by independent producers, as well as the desire to offer their customers quality products, authentic, natural, based on the original and original taste.

It is therefore a philosophy, an ethical consumption since the wine represents here the commitments of the producers but also of the restaurant owners who thus promote a natural viticulture. It is the respect of the traditions and the soils which is conveyed by the means of the restaurant owners who relay these ideals.

The choice of authenticity

For restaurateurs, offering a wine list with natural wines is not only a sign of their support for responsible agriculture, but also a proof of the quality of the products.

Indeed, we have seen that natural wines focus on the authenticity and taste of the fruit, in its natural state. The winemaking method respects the taste of the land, of the grape. We speak of authenticity because the aromas of the wines are not artificial, but are indeed carried by the grapes alone.

The choice of natural wines is thus significant of the desire of the restaurant owners to offer quality products, authentic and unique.

A gourmet choice?

It's all a question of taste! Obviously you will find an authentic taste of fruit. These natural wines are not always unanimously approved by sommeliers who reproach them for their instability due to the very low level, or even the absence of sulfur in the bottles. This can explain why some wines are very slightly sparkling when opened. This is called a sparkling wine. Do not hesitate to warn your customers when they choose a natural wine.

You just have to taste it and be surprised!

Need to be accompanied?

Les GrappesLes Grappes, the French leader in the distribution of wine directly from the winemaker to professionals, facilitates the purchase of wine directly from the winemakers. Les Grappes centralizes the orders of more than 1,200 winegrowers with a single point of contact, from ordering to billing. We accompany cafés, hotels, restaurants, wine cellars in their choice of wines, but also in the realization of customized wine lists! According to your project, your tastes and your budget, we help you to choose the best wines in short circuit. To be put in contact with our team,click here!

Restaurants, Bars, Hotels: we accompany you for your wine list!

Les GrappesLes Grappes, the French leader in the distribution of wine directly from the winemaker to professionals, facilitates the purchase of wine directly from the winemakers.

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