Nos Bonnes Adresses - Les plus beaux bars avec cheminée de Paris Les Grappes

The most beautiful bars with fireplace in Paris

"In March, when the weather is nice, take your coat," says a provincial saying. Even though spring is coming soon, the famous March giboulées will be here, and with it, a good dose of greyness. No problem, we've found 3 addresses of bars with fireplaces where you can nestle by the fire with a good glass of wine!

La Cave de l'Insolite, Paris 11e

Head for the troubled neighborhood on 11th! Flanked between Parmentier and Oberkampf, La Cave de l'Insolite plays the old-fashioned atmosphere. Between antique furniture, a revisited grandmother's kitchen and retro-jazz music, you'll feel good! What's more, it's crammed with natural wines, the must for outsiders in search of sulphites and pesticides ...
The boss here is the stove. Everybody looks at him with sweet eyes, to find a table near him. It's running at full speed and offers a good dose of warmth so comforting! 2 hours later, we find ourselves there again, with the waiter as a new friend, (we liked his facebook page, shhhhh), a beautiful syrah in the glass and a black pig of Biscay to whom we try to make the skin. Anyway, we didn't leave...

La Cave de l'Insolite
30 rue de la Folie Méricourt, 75011, Paris, France
Tel: +33 (0)1 53 36 08 33

The period fireplace of the Hôtel Providence, Paris 10th century

You who know ALL the good addresses of Paris, the ones that only the "in" know how to share in all discretion, we will teach you something. Never rest on your laurels !
Did you know that the crossroads Strasbourg Saint-Denis/Porte Saint-Martin/Republique has a paved street, a haven of peace in a way.
There, a 19th century house is hidden, the class what. Welcome to the Hôtel Particulier, the new ultra-trendy spot of the yuccies*! Between authentic mouldings, velvet seats, wooded floors and antique paintings, the bar has its little secret: its period fireplace!
The armchairs are just waiting for you and Georges, your new lover (you have to be in tune, don't you think?) has already offered you a cup of champ'. Your Iphone is already in silent mode, you dare to take off your pumps and listen to the crackle of the fire. George can talk. You are already somewhere else ????

Providence Hotel
90 rue René Boulanger, 75010, Paris, France
Tel: 01 46 34 34 04

The Peninsula Hotel yurt, Paris 16e

It's not because your friends are taunting you on Facebook with their skiing holiday photos that you too can't have a good time!
Okay, you won't get calf cramps or sunburn on your nose. But it's worth the trip! Get out of the Kleber metro and get into the very chic Peninsula Hotel. You won't be sleeping here, sorry, but you can have a glass of mulled wine with gourmet toast in a yurt. What's that? Yes ! A REAL YURT!
It's from Mongolia and stays until March 31st. Inside, it's guaranteed mountain decoration! Wood, animal skin, blankets (Colmar please) and especially its little fireplace... electric! It's a great design, it's very warm, crackling and even has artificial logs. That's something! Now it's up to you to make sure you're competent with your cap on your head and your nose already red because of the... chimney !

Yurt of the Hotel Penninsula
19 avenue Kleber, 75016, Paris, France
Tel : 01 58 12 28 88

*young urban creatives. This is the new tribe replacing the hipsters. Younger, anti-conformist and hyper-connected!

Margot (Lipstick)

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