Oenotourisme France - A la découverte de l'IGP Alpes de Haute Provence : Autour de l'AOC Pierrevert ! - Les Grappes

Discovering the PGI Alpes de Haute Provence: Around the AOC Pierrevert!

After her escapades in the Beaujolais, Laetitia Allemand offers us today a moment in the Alpes de Haute Provence. She takes us to discover a micro vineyard with Provencal accents steeped in tradition. Most of the vineyard is located in the South-East of France, more precisely in the wine region of Provence. The terroir is characterized by the Mediterranean climate of Provence and by limestone, schist and granite soils. Zoom on this historical region!

The village of Pierrevert in the heart of Haute-Provence.

Village of Pierrevert - Haute Provence par lesgrappes

The wine here is a matter of tradition. It is said that even before the arrival of the Romans, wine was already being produced in the region, which would have caught the attention of Julius Caesar himself!

The Pierrevert wine cooperative dates back to 1925. It federates 120 winegrowers and remains today the only wine cooperative in the department. The vines of the cooperators as well as those of the domains of la Madeleine, Régusse and la Blaque stretch from the north of Manoque to the hillsides of Pierrevert. They benefit from optimum sunshine and a terroir situated between 450 and 550 metres above sea level.

AOC Pierrevert: Powerful and robust wines for laying down!

Syrah, Grenache, vermentino are the main grape varieties you will find on their slopes. Here, we produce rosé wines but also white and red wines, labelled IGP Alpes de Hautes Provence or AOP Pierrevert.After maturing in oak barrels, Pierrevert's red wines become excellent reds that can be kept for a long time, powerful and full-bodied. If you manage to resist the temptation, you can easily wait 10 years before opening them!

AOC Pierrevert tasting advice!

We recommend a red AOC Pierrevert with a beef stew à la Provençale. Find our Southern Alps wines on Les Grappes !

German Laetitia for Les Grappes

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