Oenotourisme France - Top 3 des marathons des vins - Les Grappes

Top 3 wine marathons

Every year, tens of thousands of runners gather for the Paris Marathon. On our side, we propose you to discover marathons of another kind in the heart of our vineyards. 3, 2, 1... Top start for 3 wine marathons!

The Blaye Wine Marathon

With the slogan "Run without moderation", the Blaye Wine Marathon offers a tasty mix between sport andwine tourism. Created in 2004, this event returns at the beginning of May for its thirteenth edition in the heart of the vineyards of the appellation Blaye Côtes de Bordeaux.

Beyond the race, the event owes its success to its friendly and festive atmosphere. Participants are invited to compete creatively by dressing up in their best disguises. The runners will be able to admire the landscapes of the region, the numerous castles, without forgetting the Citadelle of Blaye, listed as a Unesco World Heritage Site. Along the way, participants will be able to count on the numerous tastings to regain their strength. The lucky marathoners will be able to continue the party late into the night and enjoy a last walk in the vineyards the next morning. To enjoy all the atmosphere without running the marathon, the organizers also propose a 10 kilometer course in the vineyards.

Our opinion: For once, the Bordeaux region surprises us with a new event.an original wine tourism route. This event will delight wine lovers as well as sportsmen looking for a new challenge.

Practical information :
Date: May
Place: Blaye, Gironde
More information: www.marathondesvinsdeblaye.com

The Alsace Vineyard Marathon

As the summer vacations approach, the Alsace vineyard invites us to the most festive event of the month of June. Since 2005, the Alsace Wine Marathon has tastefully combined sport, celebration and the richness of the Alsace heritage.

To motivate the competitors, the organizers of the Alsace vineyard have their little secrets. In addition to the sports refreshments, the competitors will be able to take advantage of numerous gastro-wine stages where they will be able to taste the famouspretzel with the freshness of Sylvaner, the delicious kougelhopf with the discreetly fruity Pinot Blanc, or the famoussauerkrautwith the vivacity of the Riesling.

To delight young and old, different courses are proposed: the marathon, the half-marathon, the 10 kilometers, the children's race or the heart walk in aid of an association for organ donation. Around the race, the participants will also be able to enjoy the animations of the "Marathon Village", the atmosphere of the "Spaëtzle Party" and the many surprises planned for the occasion.

Our opinion: Rich in heritage, specialties and traditions, the vineyards ofAlsace vineyard promises to delight young and old alike during this great summer event!

Practical information :
Dates: June
Place: Molsheim, Bas-Rhin
More information: www.marathon-alsace.com

The Médoc Marathon

Back in Bordeaux, the beginning of September announces a new edition of the marathon of the Médoc. Considered as the longest marathon in the world, this event gathers every year several thousands of runners from all over the world.

Placed under the sign of "tales and legends", the 32nd edition calls for the imagination of the competitors for a race that already promises to be historic and mythical. Dressed in their best clothes, the participants will cross the vineyards of the famous appellations Pauillac, Médoc, Haut-Médoc, or even Saint-Estèphe. Around the race, many events will be organized, mixing conviviality, celebration but also sport and health: medical-sport conference, evenings in the heart of the castles, tasting of regional specialities and many other surprises!

Our opinion: Ideal to extend the summer vacations, this event invites the numerous runners to a wonderful journey in the universe of "tales and legends" and the vineyards of the region.

Practical information :
Date: September
Place: Pauillac, Gironde
More information: www.marathondumedoc.com

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