What to drink with these 5 aphrodisiacs?

Valentine's Day is Sunday, and that gave us a few ideas for a gourmet meal. We have concocted a 5-course menu, whose ingredients are renowned for their aphrodisiac virtues. Associated with the best wines, count on them to stimulate your senses as they should!

Caviar and champagne, a luxury aphrodisiac moment...

The aperitif is a crucial point in a dinner party. So crucial that it may be time to crack the budget (especially if there are only two of you). It is said that caviar has aphrodisiac virtues. Coupled with two glasses of champagne, and that's a good way to start your theme meal!

Green asparagus and Entre-Deux-Mers, a light aphrodisiac menu

As an appetizer, green asparagus, which we like for its freshness and its stimulating side. Combined with a white wine from Entre-Deux-Mers, it is a real treat, and for those who have a clear preference for white wines (same guaranteed effect), we prefer a Muscat d'Alsace.

Oysters and Chablis, the perfect aphrodisiac match

In the line of pleasure: we opt for a seafood platter as a main course. To garnish with a maximum of oysters, the most aphrodisiac dish! There is zinc in large quantities, which allows testosterone to increase (this famous hormone that stimulates desire). And as it is even better with wine: a dry white of Chablis.

Brillat-Savarin with truffles & Vouvray, the aphrodisiac cheese

For the cheese board, another little whim: a Brillat-Savarin with truffles. If the truffle is an expensive condiment, it is known for its stimulating virtues. And this very creamy and tasty cheese is a good compromise for the less fortunate. We forget the urban legend that says that the cheese is served exclusively with red wine. Here it is white wine that will have its place: a Vouvray de Loire.

Chocolate mousse and red wine, the aphrodisiac cliché

For a beautiful finale, we chose the most aphrodisiac dessert there is: a chocolate mousse, whose greatest virtue is to stimulate endorphins, the happiness hormones. Accompanied by a scoop of vanilla ice cream whose seeds contained in the pods are known to be stimulating, we are on a great combination. To drizzle it all over: champagne, or red wine, known to marry perfectly with chocolate.

For those who are more strapped for cash: it seems that there are herbal teas that would have the same effects as the dishes mentioned above: thyme, savory and yohimbine. But right away, it's less sexy.

The best ally of your evening remains above all moderation.

Tiphaine (Les Grappes)

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