Château Ferran


Domaine Mas Amiel


A strong commitment from the winegrower

The biodynamic approach goes further than organic farming by being respectful of the soil, the vines and the people. The winegrowers who use this method want to enhance the exchanges between the soil and the vines, by intensifying the life of the soil so that it can strengthen and develop as well as possible.

Committed to biodiversity and the environment, biodynamic winegrowers do not use any chemical inputs, but plant-based preparations (manure and even horns!) to energise and strengthen the vine. To treat their vines and avoid diseases, the winegrowers also follow the lunar calendar.

Château le terme blanc


Two organisations certify bidynamic wine: Demeter and Biodyvin. Both labels guarantee demanding and transparent specifications.

If there is a debate on the organoleptic qualities of biodynamic wines, for some, when tasting, there is no difference between a traditional wine and a biodynamic wine! In our opinion, there is only one way to get an idea: taste it!

Les Grappes : The best biodynamic wines

Les Grappes promotes French winegrowers harvesting their grapes and in particular winegrowers working in biodynamics. Concerned about their impact on biodiversity, they are keen to enhance the value of the land and the vines they work to produce the best wines.

Biodynamic viticulture

It was Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) who created the basis for this new method, antroposophy. Biodynamic agriculture goes further than organic agriculture in its awareness of the environment and biodiversity. Biodynamic practices aim to intensify the life of the soil, from which the vine is born and thrives. Exchanges between the soil and the plants are encouraged.

Winegrowers committed to biodynamics seek to work and energise the fertility of the soil, following the influences of the moon. Viticulture is modelled on the lunar calendar to maximise its results. The biodynamic specifications are detailed by the rigorous Demeter (and Biodyvin) label. The aim is to limit the addition of inputs in the viticulture and during vinification, to encourage the use of natural preparations (organic matter, dung, horns, ...). The cultivated land is placed at the centre of biodynamic agriculture.

Biodynamic wines

All wines can be grown biodynamically: there are biodynamic red wines, biodynamic white wines, biodynamic rosé wines and biodynamic champagnes.